Nutty Nourisher Acai Bowl

Nutty Nourisher Acai Bowl


 2 Acai Frozen Packs
 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
 1 ripe banana
 1 tablespoon almond butter
 ½ cup frozen blueberries
 ¼ cup granola
 1 tablespoon chia seeds
 a handful of almonds
 a drizzle of honey



Run the Acai Frozen Packs under hot water for 5 seconds to soften them slightly.
In a blender, combine the Acai Frozen Packs, unsweetened almond milk, ripe banana, almond butter, and frozen blueberries. Blend until smooth. If needed, pause to stir and help the blender process the frozen chunks.
Pour the mixture into two bowls. Top with granola, chia seeds, almonds, and a drizzle of honey.
Enjoy immediately, while it’s still cold and fresh!


Acai cubes variation: Each Acai cube is about 8g, so 25 cubes are equivalent to 2 traditional packs.


Indulge in the earthy goodness of nuts and seeds with our Nutty Nourisher Acai Bowl. This recipe is a nourishing blend of acai, almond butter, and almond milk, united with the sweetness of ripe bananas and blueberries, offering a heart-warming and nutrient-dense treat.

The base of this bowl is a rich blend of acai, revered for its antioxidants and heart-healthy fats, mixed with unsweetened almond milk for a hint of nuttiness and a creamy texture. We include a ripe banana for natural sweetness and a smooth texture, and almond butter for a nutty flavor and an added protein boost. Blueberries contribute a tart sweetness and a wealth of essential vitamins and minerals. The outcome is an acai bowl that’s a nourishing haven, filled with delightful flavors and wholesome nutrition.

The toppings add to this nutty delight with texture, flavor, and a nutritional bonus. Crunchy granola and almonds offer a satisfying contrast to the smooth base, while chia seeds contribute a subtle crunch and an extra dose of fiber, omega-3s, and protein. A drizzle of honey adds a touch of natural sweetness that balances the nutty flavors and enriches the overall taste profile.

Our Nutty Nourisher Acai Bowl is more than just a meal – it’s a comforting and nourishing embrace, a fusion of flavors that will satisfy your taste buds while nourishing your body. It’s an excellent start to your day, a fulfilling snack, or a light and satisfying dessert. Enjoy a bowl of Nutty Nourisher, and let your taste buds revel in the comforting nourishment.

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